CAP Departments and Committees

CAP Departments

The Registrar’s role is to function as the Chief Executive Officer and to discharge the responsibilities of the Registrar as mandated in the Health Professions Act and the Psychologists Profession Regulation. The Registrar oversees the regulatory compliance of CAP functions and maintains a clear separation between adjudicative and advisory functions, in keeping with the principles of administrative fairness. Additionally, the Registrar advises and supports the Council in fulfilling its responsibilities, advocates high professional standards for members and promotes and maintains public relations with members, agencies, government and the public.

In addition to the Registrar, staff members are organized by regulatory and administrative functions. All staff members report directly to the Registrar in the performance of their duties.

The following summary lists CAP departments and their functions.

Registrar’s Office

  • Oversees all CAP functions:
    • regulatory and legislative requirements
    • financial operations
    • human resources
    • communications
    • information systems
    • hearings and appeals under Parts 2 and 4 of the Health Professions Act


  • Renews practice permits
  • Reviews registration applications:
    • evaluates academic credentials including doctoral credentials
    • approves registration as provisional psychologists
    • provides temporary licensure
    • approves mobility applicants from another jurisdiction
    • provides substantial equivalency assessment
  • Conducts examinations:
    • Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP)
    • Law and Ethics in Alberta Psychology (LEAP) Examination

Complaints and Professional Conduct

  • Oversees and administers the complaint and discipline processes under Part 4 of the Health Professions Act
  • Responds to public concerns and complaints
  • Administers incapacity processes under Part 6 of the Health Professions Act
  • Administers the Patient Relations Program
  • Identifies emerging practice issues
  • Liaises with other health professions to collaboratively develop uniform resources

Professional Guidance

  • Responds to ethical and regulatory queries from members of the profession
  • Provides support to the Practice Advisory Committee
  • Manages the Continuing Competence Program (once established)

CAP Committees

To assist CAP in fulfilling its mandate as authorized by the Health Professions Act (HPA), several adjudicative and advisory committees were established that consist primarily of regulated members to advise the Council and aid it in performing its duties. Adjudicative and advisory committees are clearly separated, in keeping with the principles of administrative fairness. 

More than 100 volunteers contribute hundreds of invaluable hours, supporting efficient and effective self-regulation including:

  • Council members who carry out vital functions of CAP
  • standing and legislated committees, task forces and ad hoc committees formed to address specific, time-sensitive issues 
  • regulated members who offer their professional expertise to CAP

Click here to view CAP's functional committee structure. By volunteering with CAP, regulated members will gain familiarity with CAP processes and staff, contribute to the profession, and meet other psychologists. Volunteer work is an accepted Continuing Competence Program activity. The committees and their functions are outlined below:

Adjudicative Committees 

Credentials Evaluation Sub-Committee (CESC). As established in legislation and regulation, the CESC reviews applications for the evaluation of academic credentials from accredited institutions. The CESC determines whether the applicant meets core and substantive content areas and possesses the required number of credits as established in legislation and regulation. Foreign applicants are required to provide an assessment of their academic credentials from International Qualifications Assessment Services (IQAS) or World Education Services (WES) Canada to assist the CESC in its evaluation. The CESC also reviews and approves doctoral credentials.

The CESC meets eight times per year. Committee members are asked to attend as many meetings as possible. Meetings are held virtually from 9:00am-4:00pm on Fridays. All meeting dates are scheduled in advance and posted on the CAP website. As required by the HPA, the CESC provides its decision results in writing. To read more about what volunteering for this committee involves, click here.

Registration Approvals Sub-Committee (RASC). The RASC reviews applicant files through all stages of the registration process. This includes review and approval of supervision plans and requests for credit. The RASC adjudicates whether an applicant is ready to be issued a permit to practice as a registered provisional psychologist. The RASC also reviews practice permit renewals at the request of the Registrar.

The RASC holds eight meetings per year (one full committee meeting and seven panel meetings). Committee members are asked to attend the full committee meeting and a minimum of two panel meetings yearly. Meetings are held virtually from 12:00pm-3:30pm on Mondays. All meeting dates are scheduled in advance and posted on the CAP website. As required by the HPA, the RASC provides its decision results in writing.

Substantial Equivalency Sub-Committee (SESC). Applicants who do not meet CAP’s registration requirements may, in some circumstances, apply for a substantial equivalency review in accordance with the HPA. Substantial equivalency is the process of determining whether a combination of education, experience and practice, or other qualifications demonstrate the competence required for registration as a regulated member.

Sub-Committee members, appointed from the Registration Committee by the Registrar, sit in panels of three or more to consider substantial equivalency review requests, as needed. As required by the HPA, the SESC provides its decision results in writing.

Hearing Tribunal/Complaint Review Committee (HT/CRC). Under the HPA, the Council appoints members to a membership list to be used for appointing members to both Hearing Tribunal and Complaint Review Committee panels.

HT panels conduct hearings into allegations of unprofessional conduct made against psychologists. CRC panels conduct reviews of the Complaints Director’s dismissals of complaints. Panels, comprising of two members from the membership list and two public members, appointed by Alberta Health, are arranged as required.

The time commitment required of HT and CRC panel members varies depending on the circumstances of the particular case. Hearings are conducted in person and/or virtually and may range from one to five days. Complaint dismissal reviews are often complex and may take a similar amount of time. The panel may choose to meet in person or virtually. Additional time may be required for virtual meetings and the writing of decisions. Committee members may be asked to sit on three to five panels per year, based on need and availability. 

Competence Committee (CC) Under the HPA, the Council appoints members to the Competence Committee. The CC conducts reviews/evaluations of all or part of a regulated member’s continuing competence program in accordance with CAP’s Standards of Practice. The CC may make recommendations to the Council on continuing competence requirements and the assessment of those requirements. The CC is also responsible to consider and inform the audit process.

Advisory Committees

Practice Advisory Committee (PAC). The PAC is a non-adjudicative standing committee that acts in an advisory capacity to Council. The mandate of the PAC is to advise Council on matters of professional standards, ethics, professional practice guidelines and psychological practice. The committee meets approximately three times per year or on an as-needed basis. The PAC occasionally forms ad hoc committees to address specific issues.

Publications Committee. The Publications Committee monitors the content of the quarterly newsletter, The CAP Monitor to ensure the information being conveyed is consistent with CAP’s mandate, governing documents and policy.

Registration Advisory Committee (RAC). The RAC is a non-adjudicative standing committee that acts in an advisory capacity to Council. RAC reviews and proposes to Council entry-to-practice requirements and enhancements. Their mandate includes all aspects of the registration process and compliance with relevant legislative requirements. Members of RAC continue to participate in implementation of the recommendations from the independent third-party reviews, including UPAC. 

University Program Approval Committee (UPAC). The UPAC is an advisory committee to Council with a mandate to review psychology degree programs that could be pre-approved for registration under the Regular Pathway. The UPAC is designed to provide policy rationale on how to approve specific programs and direction on how to move forward and liaise with educational institutions if necessary, and to assist Council in determining which programs are appropriate for consideration. The pre-approval process is intended to increase the objectivity, transparency and fairness of the registration process. 

Supervision Review Committee (SRC). The SRC is a non-adjudicative working committee that acts in an advisory capacity to CAP Council. The mandate of SRC is to advise CAP Council on matters of supervision. 

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CAP Departments and Committees

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Copyright 2025 by College of Alberta Psychologists


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Registration and Renewal

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Concerns About a Psychologist

This section provides information and resources to address concerns about the conduct of a psychologist. 

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CAP communicates with members, providing regulatory information.

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About CAP

Learn more about CAP and its mandated responsibiliites under the Health Professions Act. 

Resources & Regulatory Information

A number of documents govern the regulation of the profession of psychology and documents and resources are developed in order to promote competent and ethical practice and to guide its members. 

Sexual Abuse/Misconduct

Addressing and Preventing Sexual Abuse and Misconduct for Psychologists