CCP Online Form Enhancements

CAP made a number of enhancements to the CCP and Practice Permit Renewal process based on feedback received from regulated members. While the system creates some limitations on the changes possible, the following enhancements have been made to the 2023/24 and the 2024/25 CCP and Practice Permit Renewal.

The 2023/24 renewal form was enhanced to increase clarity and ease, including:

1. We removed the evaluation survey for each activity. Instead, there will be a single survey offered at the end of/after renewal.

2. We clarified instructions at the bottom of the form about clicking “Next” or “Save for Later” or clicking between CCP area tabs:


3. The green status checkmark is now labelled "Hours Status" to clarify that it only corresponds to the number of hours submitted. In other words, it does not indicate that the competence area is fully complete (e.g., required fields may still be unfilled).


4. We reduced the Goal Status options (i.e., removed “Ongoing”):


5. You can now upload doc and docx file types as supporting documentation.

6. We added a label to the top of the page to clarify where the member is in the renewal process (e.g., “You are currently in your 2023/2024 CCP Form”) and to reduce confusion between multiple CCP forms (i.e., this year and last year):

Renewal Processpng

7. Unfortunately, if you do not complete a required field in the form, all tabs will still light up in red:


However, if you scroll through the tabs, you will be able to find the specific fields that are incomplete, highlighted in red:


Or, for example:


8. We clarified the error message when payment cannot be accepted:

Error Message

9. We clarified the wording for cancellations of practice permits at renewal time.



The 2024/25 CCP forms were further enhanced, including the following updates:

1. We simplified the reporting of goals and completed activities. When goal setting, the CCP goal section will appear as follows (slightly different than last year’s):


After April 1, the option to indicate the completion date of your activity, the total hours spent in it, and to upload supporting documentation will appear. The change is that these fields will be attached to the original goal you set instead of added as separate completed activities. Please ensure that your description is clear and corresponds accurately to your supporting documentation:



2. The most significant change is to the Wellness tab, which now holds the Indigenous-focused training information/declaration. You will notice that Wellness now only requires a declaration. You will also indicate the area where you intend to complete your Indigenous-focused training:



3. We clarified error messages, with only the tab with the error showing in red:


To find the incomplete field, scroll down through the tab to see the specific field highlighted in red:


Or, for example:


The system should also limit members from submitting activities completed outside the relevant CCP year:


Copyright 2025 by College of Alberta Psychologists


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