Technology Tips for Navigating the CCP

This section provides the top 10 technology tips and information on how to locate your CCP plan in the MyCAP Login.

Throughout this section, "CCP" refers to CAP's Continuing Competence Program.

Top 10 Technology Tips - Things to Know Before you Start

  1. MyCAP Login. Your login username is the personal email address associated with your member profile (the one where CAP sends you regulatory information). If this is your first time logging in, please reset your password. The reset password email will be from Alinity. Please remember to check your various folders (e.g., junk, spam, promotions, etc.). CAP does not have access to your password and cannot retrieve it for you. 
  2. Use Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge for best functionality. Yes, you can use other browsers (e.g., Firefox, Safari, Windows), but they may not facilitate access to all features. 
  3. Your login gives you 60 minutes in the CCP/My learning area. If you are running out of time, simply save your work by clicking ‘Save for later’ or 'Next' (if applicable) at the bottom of the screen. Clicking between competence area tabs (e.g., Professional Engagement) will not save yoru work.   
  4. When in the CCP/My learning… stay in the CCP/My learning. Moving in and out may result in losing your work.
  5. Avoid using the back button on your browser OR the back arrow in the program. In the CCP/My learning pages, use the navigation buttons with arrows on the bottom right of the page or click on the tabs near the top of the page. Do not use the ‘back buttons’ as you may lose your work.  
  6. The ‘Computer Audit’ occurs when you SUBMIT your plan. When entering and saving your work, the computer is not validating your work. The validation (Computer Audit) occurs when you submit your plan. If your plan has errors, you will be notified. Simply return to your plan and check and correct the boxes with the red outline. 
  7. Please keep your text clear and concise. Limit your entries to no more than 750 characters (approximately 100 words). 
  8. MyCAP Login System/Maintenance Updates. Please watch for announcements on planned technology maintenance updates if you plan to work on your CCP plan on a specific date/time. 
  9. Modifying goals mid-year. Although you will submit yearly goals during practice permit renewal, you may modify these goals throughout the year, either by editing or deleting them or adding new ones. Recall that you need to maintain at least one logged goal per quadrant (outside wellness).
  10. Additional Information is available on the CAP CPP Webpages. The CAP CCP webpages contains multiple resources, including examples, explanations, FAQs, and planning tools. 

Navigating the MyCAP Login and Finding Your CCP Plan

Your CCP plan can be accessed year-round through the MyCAP Login, and you will also be directed to it as part of the practice permit renewal process. Both approaches are described below.

You can access the online system from your computer or mobile device by logging into the MyCAP Login found in the top right-hand corner of the CAP website. You will be taken to the MyCAP login screen where you will enter your email and password.

Once you log in, you will be taken to the Home screen. You can access your CCP plan by clicking on the “My learning” tab on the left side navigation column, shown below:


An editable version of your current CCP plan (along with historic, non-editable CCP plans) can be accessed from the “My learning” tab.

If this is the first time you are entering a CCP plan for the year, you will need to create a new plan. To do this, simply click the “plus” icon to add a plan for the current registration year and select the CCP practice permit year you would like to create.

To return to access the current year’s plan to view or make changes, click the arrow (chevron) next to the current year. This is accessible throughout the year.Capture-1

During annual practice permit renewal (February 1 - March 31)

Login to the MyCAP Login, located in the top right corner of the CAP website.

After you initiate your renewal (by clicking "Renew" on the homepage), you will see each renewal step, including the CCP plans, laid out at the top of your homepage until you complete your renewal.

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Copyright 2025 by College of Alberta Psychologists


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Registration and Renewal

This section provides information and resources regarding registration requirements, fees and renewing a practice permit.

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Concerns About a Psychologist

This section provides information and resources to address concerns about the conduct of a psychologist. 


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Regulatory Navigation

CAP communicates with members, providing regulatory information.

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About CAP

Learn more about CAP and its mandated responsibiliites under the Health Professions Act. 

Resources & Regulatory Information

A number of documents govern the regulation of the profession of psychology and documents and resources are developed in order to promote competent and ethical practice and to guide its members. 

Sexual Abuse/Misconduct

Addressing and Preventing Sexual Abuse and Misconduct for Psychologists