
Registration and Supervision

Once an applicant has been officially notified by CAP that their academic credentials have been approved, they may apply for registration as a registered provisional psychologist (hereinafter referred to as "provisional psychologist.")

Applications for registration as a provisional psychologist are reviewed by the Registration Approvals Sub-Committee (RASC) at regularly scheduled meetings. Forms, resources and a calendar of deadlines and meeting dates can be found below in the Forms and Resources section.

The website is routinely updated as changes to governing legislation or registration requirements are made. Please check the website prior to submitting an application, to ensure you have the most current information.

Any original documentation submitted to CAP will be scanned, uploaded to your electronic file, and the originals will be securely destroyed in accordance with CAP's scanning policy.

Applying to Become a Provisional Psychologist

Applicants are encouraged to read the following forms, documents and resources below before submitting an application as the documents describe the registration process and are valuable sources of information. The documents can be found in the Forms and Resources section. 

Step 1

Read the following documents before proceeding:

  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
  • Process to Register as a Psychologist in Alberta,  which includes a detailed checklist for the registration process.
  • Definitions: Professional Activities and Brances of Psychology and Foundational Knowledge and Core Competencies.
  • CAP Practice Guideline: Psychological Assessment and Testing found under Resources and Regulatory Information.
  • Standards for Supervision for Registered Provisional Psychologists.
  • Watch our training videos on completing and amending the Hours of Supervised (Evaluated) Practice form.

Step 2

Complete and submit two forms for a standard application (both forms are available in the MyCAP Login):

  1. Provisional registration form (under "Complete my Registration Change"). 
  2. Hours of Supervised (Evaluated) Practice form (under "My forms").

Applications for registration will not be accepted without both forms being completed and submitted. Both forms must be submitted at the same time.

Are you about to start, or currently in a pre-doctoral internship in psychology?

Complete and submit the following if you are about to start, or are currently in a pre-doctoral internship in psychology.

  • Apply for Registration as a Provisional Psychologist online through the MyCAP Login
  • Complete and submit your Hours of Supervised (Evaluated) Practice online through the MyCAP Login. Upload the official, signed letter from the Director of Training (DOT) confirming your participation in the pre-doctoral internship including the start and end dates of the internship period. 
  • Upon completion of the pre-doctoral internship, submit an official signed letter from the Director of Training (DOT) confirming your successful completion of the pre-doctoral internship including the start and end dates of the internship period. You must upload this letter online in the Hours of Supervised (Evaluated) Practice on the MyCAP Login.
  • Upon completion of the pre-doctoral internship, submit a Request for Credit (formerly known as Waiver Request) in the Hours of Supervised (Evaluated) Practice online through the MyCAP Login. A Supervision Plan is not required.

Have you completed a pre-doctoral internship in psychology within the last five years?

Complete and submit the following if you have completed a pre-doctoral internship in psychology within the last five years. 

  • Apply for Registration as a Registered Provisional Psychologist online through the MyCAP Login
  • Complete and submit your Hours of Supervised (Evaluated) Practice online through the MyCAP Login. Upload the official, signed letter from the Director of Training (DOT) confirming your successful completion of the pre-doctoral internship including the start and end dates of the internship period
  • Complete the Request for Credit online through the MyCAP Login under Hours of Supervised (Evaluated) Practice.

Step 3

Complete the following registration requirements:

  • 1600 hours of supervised and evaluated practice.
  • The Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP) - Part 1 Knowledge.
  • The jurisprudence and ethics examination (Law and Ethics for Alberta Psychologists (LEAP)).
  • Minimum one-time completion of mandatory training on Preventing and Addressing Sexual Abuse and Sexual Misconduct available on the CAP website.
  • Continuing Competence Program.
  • Annual renewal of practice permit.

Note the following points: 

  • The EPPP and LEAP Examination can be taken at any time once an applicant becomes a provisional psychologist. However, the provisional psychologist is encouraged to apply to take the EPPP and the LEAP Examination early in the registration process. All provisional psychologists will be required to attempt the LEAP Examination within six (6) months of their provisional status being granted.

Making Changes to your Supervision Plan?

All changes which occur after an applicant’s initial application and Supervision Plan have been approved must be amended online through the MyCAP Login. The exact nature of the changes will determine whether a review is required by the RASC at one of their scheduled meetings. Please note that the deadline dates listed on the CAP website apply to Supervision Plan changes as well. Please watch our training videos on completing and amending the Hours of Supervised (Evaluated) Practice form available below.

These revisions may include:

  • Changing or adding a primary supervisor.
  • Changing your Supervision Plan.

Step 4

Complete the Final Registration Requirements:

Now that you are a provisional psychologist, you have five years from the date your provisional application was approved by the RASC to complete all registration requirements (i.e., passing the EPPP and the LEAP Examination, and completion of 1600 hours of supervised, evaluated practice). You are required to submit the following as part of the final registration review conducted by the Registrar and/or their delegate(s): 

  • Complete and submit the Final Registration Change Form in the MyCAP Login. You will be notified by email when this form is available to you in the MyCAP Login. 
  • You must provide names and email addresses of three references in the Final Registration Change Form. One of the references must be a registered psychologist. References will be emailed automatically upon submission of your form.

After the completed references have been received by CAP, your provisional file will be reviewed by the Registrar and/or their delegate(s). The final review process takes approximately 60 days after all required documentation has been received by CAP. Once approved, you will be notified of the practice permit fees owing as a registered psychologist for the balance of the current fiscal year. Once the payment is received, your name will be added to the General Register as a registered psychologist, and an updated registration number and practice permit will be issued.

Re-application process 

Expiry of 5-year provisional term
Provisional psychologists whose 5-year term is close to expiration and have not completed all registration requirements may be eligible to reapply for a further period of provisional registration. The time granted will not be an additional 5 years, but will be based on the remaining registration requirements to be completed. A provisional psychologist who has exceeded the maximum EPPP attempts may not reapply. If you wish to reapply for provisional registration, please contact the Registration Department.

Former provisional members whose registration status became cancelled may be eligible to reapply if they have not reached the maximum EPPP attempts. The duration of time their provisional registration was cancelled will determine if the individual may need to apply to have their academic credentials re-evaluated first. 

Forms and Resources

The following section contains resources and declaration forms required for registration as a provisional psychologist. Click on the links listed below to access the relevant form and related resources.

Process to Register as a Psychologist

The manual is a resource to assist applicants in applying for registration in Alberta. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Read our FAQs to learn about the requirements to register as a provisional psychologist.

Registration Verification Part II

Part II must be completed by the relevant regulatory body and forwarded directly to CAP.

Criminal Record and Vulnerable Sector Check

This document provides details on submitting a Criminal Record Check and Vulnerable Sector Check to CAP.


This document defines Foundational Knowledge and Core Competencies as well as Professional Activites and Branches of Psychology. 

Standards for Supervision

These are the fundamental supervision standards governing provisional psychologists.

Supervision Plan Instructions

Please read these instructions prior to completing and submitting the Supervision Plan in the Hours of Supervised (Evaluated) Practice form.

Sample Supervision Plan

This sample is a resource to assist applicants in filling out the Supervision Plan section of their Hours of Supervised Practice form

Sample Request for Credit

A sample Request for Credit is a resource to assist applicants in filling out their request for credit.

Hours of Supervised (Evaluated) Practice Training Videos

Please watch our training videos on how to complete and amend the Hours of Supervised (Evaluated) Practice form.

Supervision Log

A log is provided to assist in maintaining a record of all supervision meetings.


Fee Schedule

Learn more about CAP fees.

Meeting Dates and Deadlines

View the upcoming RASC meeting dates.

Registration Review Guide

Read about reviews by CAP Council of registration decisions.

Supervisor's Resources and Forms

The following section provides supervisor’s with resources and the forms required to evaluate the provisional psychologist's supervised practice.

Supervison Manual

The manual provides assistance to supervisors and provisional psychologists.


Supervisor’s Evaluation: Mid-Term Report

The evaluation is required at the mid-term point of completing 1600 hours.


Supervisor's Final Evaluation

Please watch our training video on how to complete the Supervisor’s Final Evaluation.

Supervisor’s Ongoing Evaluation

Complete this form every six months until full registration is obtained. 


Supervisor's Self-Assessment Tool

This worksheet provides assistance to a psychologist to determine if they are ready to supervise provisional psychologists.

Do you want to become a Supervisor?

Defining Supervision

Supervision is a formal, collaborative, professional activity provided by a CAP regulated member who has a minimum of five years of experience as a registered psychologist in Alberta. Its goal is to ensure that supervised psychological services meet the CAP’s Standards of Practice and Standards for Supervision of Registered Provisional Psychologists. 

The supervisory relationship is also intended to both develop and evaluate the registered provisional psychologist’s knowledge, skills, and judgement through instruction, modeling, problem solving and ongoing monitoring. Effective supervision is one important mechanism for ensuring that psychological services are delivered ethically, effectively, and safely.

There are many models for supervision in the literature. While CAP does not espouse any particular model, we do feel that some knowledge of supervisory models and grounding in a supervision model is important. 

Becoming Approved as a Supervisor

To be approved as a CAP supervisor, a registered psychologist must meet the criteria identified in Section 1 of the Standards for Supervision of Registered Provisional Psychologists. If these critera are met, the registered psychologist may begin supervising provisional psychologists; there is no application or formal approval process. As supervision is a professional service, any psychologist who engages in this professional activity must be competent in supervision and in any area(s) of practice they intend to supervise. Registered psychologists are strongly enouraged to have taken courses or other forms of education or training and develop competence in supervision prior to working with supervisees.

Goals of Supervision

Public Protection and Confidence

  • Prioritize the client and the protection of the public in provision of psychological services 
  • Protect the integrity of the psychology profession regulated under the Health Professions Act (supervision is a gatekeeping role)

Well-Being of the Client

  • Ensure that recipients of psychological services are provided with care that meets or exceeds standards of the profession
  • Establish a clear and accurate conceptualization of clients’ requests and of the factors giving rise to their difficulties

Professional Development

  • Contribute to the training and professional development of provisional psychologists
  • Instill an attitude of lifelong learning in the provisional psychologist


  • Evaluate provisional psychologists' skills in assessment, intervention, consultation, professionalism, and ability to apply ethical principles to their work
  • Manage the evaluative and educative responsibilities along with the power differntial that arises in supervisory relationships

Clinical Supervision Competencies

Supervisors are expected to pursue formal training and/or education (along with supervision) in clinical supervision practices. Skillful and thoughtful application of supervision theories and models is essential and contributes to building effective working alliances. Like other areas, ongoing professional development is essential to maintaining clinical supervision competencies. The Canadian Psychological Association identifies supervision skills as:

  • maintaining a working alliance
  • observing, evaluating, and gatekeeping
  • instructing
  • modelling
  • mentoring, and 
  • mutual problem-solving

Ethical, Legal, and Regulatory Considerations in Supervision 

The supervision relationship is to be established within the Canadian Code of Ethics for Psychologists as well as the CAPs’ Standards of Practice and Standards for Supervision, regulation, policy, and best practices. As emphasized by the Canadian Psychological Association, in Ethical Guidelines for Supervision in Psychology: Teaching, Research, Practice and Administration, the process of supervision creates an important power differential that requires awareness and skill to be successfully managed.  All four principles (Respect for the Dignity of Persons and Peoples, Responsible Caring, Integrity in Relationships, and Responsibility to Society) apply to the supervisory relationship.

CAP does not have a list of approved supervisors. A registered psychologist may consider providing supervision once they have been approached by a provisional applicant or an existing provisional psychologist, to provide supervision.

Qualifying supervisors must satisify the criteria listed in point one of CAP's Standards for Supervision of Registered Provisional Psychologists.

The following resources provide an overview of the documentation that a supervisor must be familiar with before entering a supervisory relationshiop with a provisional psychologist. 

  • Standards of Practice 
  • Standards for Supervision of Registered Provisional Psychologists
  • Supervisor’s Self Assessment Tool
  • Supervision Manual
  • Supervisor’s Declaration
  • Sample Supervision Plan
  • Supervision Plan
  • Mid-term Evaluation Report
  • Final Evaluation Report
  • Six-month Ongoing Evaluation

Supervision Consultants

Supervision consultants are available to guide provisional psychologists and supervisors with ethical and practice issues. They also assist in the resolution of conflicts between registered provisional psychologists and supervisors. This valuable resource enhances and supports the supervision process.

Calgary and Southern Alberta

Jon Amundson
Phone: 403.289.2511 

Jeff Chang
Phone: 403.282.8288

Bonnie Rude-Weisman
Phone: 403.526.8116

Edmonton and Northern Alberta

Stephen Carter
Phone: 780.424.0123

Erica Dunn
Phone: 780.850.0561 

Yvonne Legris
Phone: 780.498.3278

Copyright 2025 by College of Alberta Psychologists


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Registration and Renewal

This section provides information and resources regarding registration requirements, fees and renewing a practice permit.

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Concerns About a Psychologist

This section provides information and resources to address concerns about the conduct of a psychologist. 

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Regulatory Navigation

CAP communicates with members, providing regulatory information.

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About CAP

Learn more about CAP and its mandated responsibiliites under the Health Professions Act. 

Resources & Regulatory Information

A number of documents govern the regulation of the profession of psychology and documents and resources are developed in order to promote competent and ethical practice and to guide its members. 

Sexual Abuse/Misconduct

Addressing and Preventing Sexual Abuse and Misconduct for Psychologists