Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI)

The College of Alberta Psychologists (CAP) has adopted both a Canadian Code of Ethics for Psychologists and Standards of Practice that prohibit discriminatory practices and support respect for the dignity of all communities of people. Like the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) and the Psychologists Association of Alberta (PAA) we invite all regulated members to stand up, speak out and work collaboratively to eradicate all forms of racism and discrimination. Leading by example, CAP is committed to identifying regulatory practices to ensure that they reflect equity, diversity and inclusion. CAP is also committed to actively encouraging all regulated members to examine their own personal and professional beliefs/actions and work toward equity and justice for all.

CAP stands against racism and all forms of unjust discrimination. All psychology students, applicants and regulated members deserve equal opportunities and fair treatment that is guaranteed under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.


2018: CAP formally adopted the Canadian Psychological Association Canadian Code of Ethics for Psychologists (2017) that specifically prohibits discrimination against peoples and communities.

2018: CAP, along with the Psychologists’ Association of Alberta (PAA), established A Truth and Reconciliation Task Force in November 2018. The Task Force led to multiple concrete outcomes.

2019: CAP incorporated both the Criminal Code of Canada and Alberta Human Rights Act definitions of harassment and discrimination into our Standards of Practice.

2019: CAP established two new Standards of Practice: Recognizing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action and prohibiting the practice of Conversion Therapy.

2020: CAP issued a Position Statement standing against racism and standing for equity, diversity and inclusion.

2020: CAP and PAA's joint virtual Professional Development Event focused on combatting racism.

2020: CAP's Winter issue of The CAP Monitor was dedicated to anti-racism.

2021: CAP co-sponsored a workshop, Cultural Safety and Humility – It Starts with Me, with the Association of Canadian Psychology Regulated Organizations (ACPRO) for psychology regulated members across Canada. 

2021: CAP issued a Practice Guideline, Working with Indigenous Populations and Communities: A Guide to Culturally Safe Practice and Humility.

2022: CAP recognizes September 30 as a day for Truth and Reconciliation.

2022: CAP implements a requirement for all regulated members of four hours to Indigenous focused cultural safety and humility education or awareness in the Continuing Competence Program and Manual.

2023: CAP staff attended a webinar hosted by the Alberta Federation of Regulated Health Professions: Gender & Sexual Diversity & Inclusion. 

2023: CAP hosted a free province-wide virtual Town Hall Meeting with the ASPPB Executive Officers to present on the Myths and Facts about the EPPP Parts 1 and 2. Dr. Mariann Burnetti-Atwell and Dr. Hao Song answered questions regarding the development, validity and implementation of both examinations. The virtual presentation was also viewed from an equity, diversity, and inclusion lens. ASPPB is taking active steps to reduce any real or perceived bias to ensure that the EPPP is not a systemic barrier to the profession.

2023: CAP hosted a free province-wide virtual Town Hall Meeting with renowned speaker, Dr. Monnica Williams, on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: Psychologists tearing down barriers and building allies.

2023: CAP's Spring issue of The CAP Monitor was dedicated to multiculturalism.

2023: CAP hosted a workshop for all CAP decision-makers on how to avoid unconscious bias.

2023: CAP's Summer issue of The CAP Monitor was dedicated to gender diversity.

External Resources

ACPRO - An Apology to Indigenous People and a Pledge to be Anti-Racist

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action

Alberta Human Rights Act

Canadian Psychological Association. (2018). Psychology's Response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada's Report

Government of Canada Guide on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Terminology

United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

The National Collaborating Centre on Determinants of Health

Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion

Psychologists Association of Alberta Resource Library

Psychologists Association of Alberta September 2023 Psymposium: Psychology's Response to the TRC Report

Government of Alberta Inclusive Education

Government of Alberta Toolkit - Cultural Competency (Organizational Change Toolkit) 

Experiences Canada - Anti-Racism Resources

World Professional Association for Transgender Health

The Society for Child and Family Policy and Practice - APA Div. 37 - Anti-Racism Resources

American Psychological Association Inclusive Language Guidelines

American Psychological Association Bias-Free Language

American Psychological Association Resources on Trauma

International Psychology Network for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex Issues

American Psychological Association Monitor on Psychology

Against the Tides of Racism Podcast 


CAP will continue to add resources and updates as they are available.


Copyright 2025 by College of Alberta Psychologists


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Addressing and Preventing Sexual Abuse and Misconduct for Psychologists