The Continuing Competence Program (CCP) fulfills CAP's regulatory and professional obligations as set out by the Health Professions Act and by our own Standards of Practice. Participation in the CCP is required for regulated members.
The CCP is a yearly program running from April 1 to March 31. Each year, members must engage in and document continuing competence activities that satisfy the requirements of the program. In general, the program requires the following minimums:
This equates to 24 hours total of declared activities per permit year.
At the beginning of the year, members set CCP goals for the upcoming year (April 1 - March 31). These goals can change over the year. At the end of the year, members confirm completed activities and provide supporting documentation. Members may update their CCPs throughout the year, including adding supporting documentation (via the MyCAP Login).
CAP has designed a series of webpages and resources to assist members in understanding and completing the CCP:
If you still have questions about the CCP, please reach out to us using the feedback form at the bottom of this page.
Check out CAP's YouTube Channel for introductory and demonstration videos!
This article was sent out to CAP members on July 4, 2023. It contains stats from the 2022/23 CCP year, insights from and responses to member feedback on the CCP, and important clarifications and reflections on the CCP.
The following section provides resources to assist psychologists as they navigate through the CCP.
Activities completed between April 1 and March 31 count toward that same CCP year.
MyCAP Login practice permit renewal opens.
Members will complete Step 3 for the 2024/25 year and Steps 1 and 2 prior to renewing for the 2025/26 practice permit year.
Members can amend their practice profile and goals. Members can also log their completed activities (Step 3).
Members will complete Step 3 for the 2025/26 year and Steps 1 and 2 prior to renewing for the 2026/27 practice permit year.
When psychologists face significant and prolonged extenuating circumstances, they may request a full or partial exemption from CCP activities. For example, a psychologist may be off of work for most of the year due to a critical medical issue and request an exemption before or during the renewal period when they are otherwise attesting to their CCP activities for the year.
Note that there are few circumstances that warrant a full or partial exemption from completing CAP’s CCP, as it is a registration requirement as per the Health Professions Act. Continuing competence activities are also deemed as being essential to maintaining public confidence in self-regulation. They are also a professional obligation.
Exemption requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Registrar and/or their delegate and require the completion of the CCP Exemption Request Form. You can read more about exemptions in the CCP Manual (see above under "CCP Resources").
It is advised that you submit an exemption request well in advance of the practice permit renewal deadline date (March 31). Otherwise, your practice permit will expire and you will be charged a late fee. CCP exemption requests can be submitted at anytime throughout the year.
Complete and submit this form to request a CCP exemption.
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This section provides information and resources regarding registration requirements, fees and renewing a practice permit.
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This section provides information and resources to address concerns about the conduct of a psychologist.
CAP communicates with members, providing regulatory information.
Learn more about CAP and its mandated responsibiliites under the Health Professions Act.
A number of documents govern the regulation of the profession of psychology and documents and resources are developed in order to promote competent and ethical practice and to guide its members.
Addressing and Preventing Sexual Abuse and Misconduct for Psychologists