Competence Area Examples

This page provides descriptions, activity examples, and supporting documentation ideas for each of the competence areas required by CAP's Continuing Competence Program (CCP).

Please scroll down for expandable menus describing and giving examples for each of the CCP areas:

  1. Scientifically Supported Professional Knowledge & Practice
  2. Ethics & Jurisprudence Knowledge & Practice
  3. Professional Engagement
  4. Wellness
  5. Indigenous-Focused Cultural Safety & Humility Education & Awareness

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) graphic Scientifically Supported Professional Knowledge & Practice

  • maintain awareness of published advances in theory, practice, & empirical research
  • keep up to date with knowledge, research methods, techniques, & technologies & their impacts through reading, consultation, & continuing education
  • ensure acquisition & maintenance of a theoretical & scientific knowledge base for practice
  • acquire and refine foundational knowledge or skills such as:
    • how to do X intervention;
    • how to do X assessment/diagnosis ;
    • how to understand/approach X problem/presenting issue/diagnosis;
    • how to work with X population; (how to apply X approach in X setting);
    • learning about X theory related to professional psychology;
    • learning about X foundation to practice (consider: psychometrics, biological bases of X disorder or function, etc.);
    • how to do X research; and
    • how to teach X content area; knowledge translation/mobility
  • completing training on DSM diagnosis
  • learning more about Indigenizing the profession
  • certification training in specific therapeutic approach
  • training, reading, or consulting about treating a specific concern/diagnosis (e.g., ADHD, PTSD, ASD)
  • online workshop or modules on CBT, etc.
  • researching and reading articles about a complex area of treatment
  • reading a psychology-focused book
  • studying a new assessment technique
  • reading The CAP Monitor


  • attending supervision (as provisional)
  • teaching a course (Area 3) **Only fits in Area 1 if explicit that some learning/enhancement of practice/knowledge for clinician is occurring
  • training certificate
  • certificate of attendance
  • continuing education credits certificate
  • self-declaration form* detailing activities (such as reading completed)
  • letter of attendance or completion with details (time, place, duration, etc.)
  • copy of research project or completion details/summary
  • written notes (e.g., taken during a meeting, reading, or training)
  • content from training (e.g., manual, slides, agenda, etc.)
  • training receipt or confirmation of registration in conference/course
  • transcript of course(s)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) graphic Ethics & Jurisprudence Knowledge & Practice

  • maintain and enhance knowledge of ethics, standards of practice, case law, & legislation relevant to practice

**Consider the differences between Area 2 activities (those focused specifically on Ethics (e.g., Standards of Practice, Canadian Code of Ethics for Psychologists, CAP Practice Guidelines) & Jurisprudence (e.g., Legislation, legal precedents, case law)) and Area 1 activities (Professional Knowledge and Practice, in general). Ethics & Jurisprudence activities should be very explicitly related to ethics and jurisprudence and not just about generally becoming more competent/ethical.

  • Canadian Psychological Association ethics course
  • ethics roundtable discussions (PAA or otherwise)
  • ethical consultation with PAA Professional Guidance Program, colleagues, or etc.
  • self-study course about any topic specifically in ethics or jurisprudence
  • consultation with lawyer related to ethics and jurisprudence
  • reading case law relevant to practice
  • reading specifically about ethics in professional psychology
  • reviewing list of jurisprudence relevant to practice in Alberta (available at the bottom of this CAP webpage)
  • workshop on ethical considerations re: practice topic or issue
  • updating consent/similar forms or practice to comply more fully with Standards of Practice


  • engaging in general CCP activities to become more ethical (these typically fit in Area 1)
  • attending supervision (as provisional)
  • "consultation" with supervisor (as provisional if counted as supervision; consultation not counted as supervision is okay as long as it is specific to ethics/jurisprudence)
  • training certificate
  • certificate of attendance
  • consultation receipt
  • self-declaration form* detailing activities (such as documents reviewed or discussions held)
  • written notes (e.g., taken during a meeting, reading, or training)
  • letter of attendance or completion with details (time, place, duration, etc.)
  • receipt from training

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) graphic Professional Engagement

  • engage & connect with psychologists routinely to foster & instill commitment to profession & practice
  • service to society & profession
  • collaboration with others
  • professional association memberships (e.g., PAA, CPA, APA, CRHSP)
  • volunteerism that promotes or supports the profession 
  • CAP volunteerism
  • consultation groups
  • collaborating with colleagues (including inter-discipline)
  • development/delivery of course material
  • providing supervision or mentorship
  • supporting the scientific/academic foundation of the profession (e.g., editor of or author in a relevant scientific journal)
  • relevant academic mentorship such as participating in a candidacy exam or defense


  • CAP membership & staying up to date on CAP emails (these are registration / membership requirements)
  • being supervised (as provisional)
  • membership certificate/proof of payment of fees
  • self-declaration form* detailing activities (time, place, duration, etc.)
  • letter/proof of attendance or volunteer activities with details (time, place, duration, etc.)
  • declaration of supervisory activities with general details (approximate hours, frequency, nature of activity, etc.)
  • written notes, if thematic or anonymized (e.g., taken during a meeting)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) graphic Wellness

  • engage in activities that promote personal and professional well-being
  • engage in self-care to avoid conditions resulting in impaired judgment or inhibited ability to benefit and not harm others
  • physical exercise
  • spiritual/religious practices
  • social activities (family, friends)
  • psychological wellness practices (mindfulness, meditation, journaling, etc.)
  • physical wellness practices (nutrition, sleep, etc.)
  • hobbies/pleasure activities
  • work/life balance efforts
  • professional wellness activities (wellness activities at work/among staff)
  • Not applicable/none needed.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) graphic Indigenous-Focused Cultural Safety & Humility Education & Awareness

  • any activities that involve gaining cultural competency and improved cultural safety for clients, specific to Indigenous populations

*These activities can be completed in any of the competence areas. See other areas for activity type ideas.

  • course on Indigenous history and context
  • reading about cultural competence or considerations for working with Indigenous clients
  • consulting re: Indigenous-focused cultural competence in treatment, assessment, etc.
  • studying the Truth & Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action and related
  • professional engagement activities related to Indigenous-focused cultural safety, etc.
  • wellness activities that develop cultural awareness or understanding
  • any types as in first three areas

These lists and examples are not exhaustive.

*The Self-Declaration Form is a CAP-created resource to help you document your CCP (found under Resources here).

Copyright 2024 by College of Alberta Psychologists


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Registration and Renewal

This section provides information and resources regarding registration requirements, fees and renewing a practice permit.

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Concerns About a Psychologist

This section provides information and resources to address concerns about the conduct of a psychologist. 


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Professional Guidance

CAP communicates with members, providing regulatory information and guidance. Regulated members are welcome to contact CAP for professional guidance related to regulatory information.

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About CAP

Learn more about CAP and its mandated responsibiliites under the Health Professions Act. 

Resources & Regulatory Information

A number of documents govern the regulation of the profession of psychology and documents and resources are developed in order to promote competent and ethical practice and to guide its members. 

Sexual Abuse/Misconduct

Addressing and Preventing Sexual Abuse and Misconduct for Psychologists