Re-Application, Re-Evaluation, & Request for Review

Applicants can request a re-evaluation, submit a request for review, or reapply. These first two options involve a request for a change to a Credentials Evaluation Sub-Committee decision already rendered. Reapplication involves a new application that is reviewed separate to your original review. Each of these processes are described below.


Applicants can request a re-evaluation of their courses by the Credentials Evaluation Sub-Committee (CESC). There are two types of re-evaluations, so please read carefully:

1) Re-Evaluation of Existing Courses

This type of re-evaluation involves a request for the CESC to look at courses that you have already completed (at the time of your initial application) and for which you are submitting additional information. Sometimes applicants submit courses that require additional information to be evaluated fully, such as instructor credentials or a syllabus. The CESC may have rendered a decision on your application despite this and you can then provide this information and have your decision updated. You must decide if this re-evaluation is possible and worthwhile. It will not be possible unless you submit additional information and it will not be worthwhile unless a course evaluation might change. You may always ask us questions about your application decision if you are uncertain about the value of a re-evaluation. Another case where a re-evaluation of existing courses might be appropriate is if you didn't add certain completed courses to your application the first time. Some applicants have taken such a plethora of courses that they don't submit them all. It is advised that you submit more than is needed to prevent needing to request this kind of re-evaluation, but you may add courses that you've already taken to your application and request a re-evaluation, if necessary.

In order to access a re-evaluation of existing courses, you will need to submit a formal request and rationale to You will need to have your institution or other relevant organization send us documentation to support this re-evaluation before your application is re-evaluated. Your request and all supporting documentation must be received by CAP within four (4) months of your decision letter date. You must monitor the receipt of the relevant documents by CAP in your MyCAP Login (under "Requirements" on the dashboard). Once you see that CAP has received the necessary documents, you must email to indicate that your application is ready for re-evaluation. It will be re-evaluated during the next CESC review period (see review timeline information here). There are no additional fees for re-evaluations.

2) Re-Evaluation of New Courses

This type of re-evaluation involves a request for the CESC to look at courses that you have newly completed (since your initial application) within one (1) year of your decision letter. This kind of re-evaluation is only open to deferred applications. All other applicants taking new courses must submit a new application and pay a new fee.

In the case of a Deferral, an applicant will know the courses that are missing from their application, such as a Biological Bases of Behaviour course or an Ethics & Standards course. They will have a year from their decision letter date to complete these outstanding requirements and have their application approved. To do so, upon completion of the requirements, the applicant must have their relevant institutions submit necessary documentation (such as a transcript and instructor credentials information, if required) to (or by mail). Once all documentation has been received (see status under the "Requirements" section on your MyCAP Login dashboard), let know that you are ready for your application to be re-evaluated. You should only submit this notice once, ensuring all required documentation has been received. 

Request for Review

In accordance with Part 5 of CAP Bylaws, the registrar or the Credentials Evaluation Sub-Committee (CESC) shall review the academic credentials of applicants to become regulated members and shall determine if the applicant’s qualifications meet CAP’s requirements. The registrar or the CESC may:

  • Approve an applicant’s credentials;
  • Refuse to approve an applicant’s credentials; 
  • Defer the approval of the credentials pending receipt of further information or until the applicant has fulfilled additional requirements; or
  • Assess whether an applicant whose academic credentials do not meet the requirements of section 28(2)(a) of the Health Professions Act (HPA) is eligible for registration according to substantial equivalency in accordance with section 28(2)(c) of the HPA.

As per section 31(1) of the HPA, an applicant whose application for registration is accepted subject to conditions or whose registration is deferred or whose application is refused by the registrar, registration committee or competence committee may, within 30 days after being given a copy of the decision, request a review by the council. 

As per the HPA, a request for review must:

  • be in writing,
  • set out the reasons why the application for registration should be approved with or without conditions, and
  • be given to the registrar, who must give a copy of the requst to the council.

As per the CAP Fee Schedule, there is an administrative fee for requesting a revew by Council. Detailed information on the request for review process is provided in the Registration Review Guide (linked in this section). You should read this attached document before making this request to increase the chances that your request is appropriate to your needs.

Registration Review Guide

Read about reviews by CAP Council of registration decisions.


Applicants may reapply to have their academic credentials reviewed. This would be applicable in the following cases:

  • an applicant has had their credentials denied and has taken new courses
  • an applicant has had their credentials denied and has not requested a re-evaluation of existing courses within four months of the decision letter
  • an applicant has had their credentials deferred but has not completed outstanding requirements and requested a re-evaluation within one year
  • an applicant has had their credentials approved but has not moved on to register as a provisional psychologist within one year and must start the whole process over

Re-applications require submission of a new application form, up-to-date official transcript(s), and any other relevant documentation. These applications will also require a fee (in accordance with CAP's Fee Schedule).

Please note that within the application form, you can indicate having had a previous academic credential evaluation. CAP will upload the previously submitted documentation to the new application. However, some documentation may require resubmission if a significant amount of time has passed or if those documents have been updated.

Reapplications will be reviewed as a new application based on the Criteria for Evaluating Academic Credentials in effect at that time. Therefore, applicants should check the relevant Criteria as well as any other application information available on the CAP website to ensure compliance with current requirements.

Copyright 2024 by College of Alberta Psychologists


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